Pool Set Up Form

Enter a name for your pool.

This is the Name that will be at the top of all of the pages in your pool.
Please use only letters, numbers, and spaces for the name. No other characters will be accepted.
Enter Pool Name:

Enter your email address.

This email address will be your username for the administration form as well as the address where any mail from the "Contact Us" links on your pool pages will be sent. It will also be the email address used for all correspondence from customsportspools.com.
Enter Your Email Address:

Enter a password (up to 10 characters).

This will be your password to gain access to the administration forms. This password will allow access to your pool's administration forms only.
Enter A Password:
Reenter Password (for confirmation):

Entry Fee (Leave blank if ther is no entry fee).

This amount will be printed on the "Rules and Instructions" page as well as the printable entry form.
Enter the entry fee exactly how you want it to appear. (do not include the "$"): $

That is all of the required information needed to set up your pool.
The rest of the fields below are set up for a standard office pool. You are free to change any of the default settings to customize your pool to your specific preferences. If you are satisfied with the default values just scroll to the bottom of this page, read the terms and usage agreement, and submit the form.

Enter the point values awarded for a correct pick in each round of the tournament.

If you wish to use the team's seeding as the point value for a correct pick just check the "Use Seed" box for that round.
(Checking the "Use Seed" box will override any value in the text area.)
1st Round:   Use Seed 
2nd Round:   Use Seed 
3rd Round (Sweet 16):   Use Seed 
4th Round (Elite 8):   Use Seed 
5th Round (Final 4):   Use Seed 
6th Round: (Championship)   Use Seed 

Enter Payout Distribution by Percentage.
(Must total 100%)
1st Place: %
2nd Place: %
3rd Place: %
4th Place: %
5th Place: %
Last Place: %
Administration Fee: %

Customize The Rules For Your Pool.
Below are a set of general rules broken down into separate text areas for page layout reasons. You may edit, change, or delete any of the rules to fit your specific pool. In addition, there are 5 blank text areas. You may add additional rules if you wish in these fields. (Leave unused fields blank).

Terms and Usage Agreement.

Please Read Carefully

By submitting this form you agree to the following terms and conditions.